libretro-beetle-pce-fast | Libretro core based on the Mednafen PC Engine emulator | |
libretro-beetle-psx | Libretro core based on the Mednafen PlayStation emulator | |
libretro-beetle-psx-hw | Libretro core based on the Mednafen PlayStation emulator (OpenGL) | |
libretro-beetle-saturn | Libretro core based on the Mednafen Sega Saturn emulator | |
libretro-beetle-sgx | Libretro core based on the Mednafen SuperGrafx emulator | |
libretro-beetle-vb | Libretro core based on the Mednafen VirtualBoy emulator | |
libretro-beetle-wswan | Libretro core based on the Mednafen Wonderswan emulator | |
libretro-bluemsx | Libretro core for MSX/MSX2/ColecoVision/SVI/SG-1000 emulation | |
libretro-bsnes-mercury | Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation (balanced profile) | |
libretro-bsnes-mercury-accuracy | Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation (accuracy profile) | |
libretro-bsnes-mercury-performance | Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation (performance profile) | |
libretro-cap32 | Libretro core based on the Caprice32 Amstrad CPC emulator | |
libretro-core-info | Libretro core information | |
libretro-desmume | Libretro core based on the DeSmuME Nintendo DS emulator | |
libretro-fbneo | Libretro core based on the FinalBurn Neo arcade game emulator | |
libretro-fceumm | Libretro core based on the FCEUmm Famicom/NES emulator | |
libretro-flycast | Libretro core based on the Flycast Sega Dreamcast emulator | |
libretro-freeintv | Libretro core for Mattel Intellivision emulation | |
libretro-fuse | Libretro core based on the FUSE ZX Spectrum emulator | |
libretro-gambatte | Libretro core based on the Gambatte Game Boy Color emulator | |
libretro-gearboy | Libretro core based on the Gearboy Game Boy emlator | |
libretro-gearsystem | Libretro core based on the Gearsystem Master System emlator | |
libretro-genesis-plus-gx | Libretro core based on the Genesis Plus Sega 8/16 bit emulator | |
libretro-mame2010 | Libretro core based on the MAME 0.139 arcade game emulator | |
libretro-mgba | Libretro core based on the mGBA emulator | |
libretro-nestopia | Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator | |
libretro-np2kai | Libretro core based on the Neko Project II PC-9801 emulator | |
libretro-o2em | Libretro core for Magnavox Odyssey 2 and VideoPac emulation | |
libretro-parallel-n64 | Libretro core based on the Parallel N64 emulator | |
libretro-pcsx-rearmed | Libretro core based on the PCSX ReARMed emulator | |
libretro-picodrive | Libretro core based on the Picodrive MegaDrive/MegaCD/32X emulator | |
libretro-ppsspp | Libretro core based on the PPSSPP PlayStation Portable emulator | |
libretro-prosystem | Libretro core based on the ProSystem Atari 7800 emulator | |
libretro-sameboy | Libretro core based on the SameBoy Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator | |
libretro-smsplus | Libretro core based on the SMS Plus Master System / Game Gear emulator | |
libretro-snes9x | Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator | |
libretro-snes9x2005 | Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator | |
libretro-snes9x2010 | Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator | |
libretro-stella | Libretro core based on the Stella Atari 2600 (VCS) emulator | |
libretro-vba-next | Libretro core based on the VBA Next Game Boy Advance emulator | |
libretro-vecx | Libretro core for Vectrex emulation | |
libretro-virtualjaguar | Libretro core based on the Virtual Jaguar emulator | |
libspectrum | ZX Spectrum emulator file format library | |
lrmi | Wrapper to the i386 vm86 mode | |
m1 | Arcade video and pinball game sound emulator (Linux binary) | |
makeppf | PPF (Playstation Patch File) v3.0 creation tool | |
mame | Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator | |
MAMEDiff | Compare MAME rom sets of different releases | |
marduk | Portable emulator of the NABU Personal Computer | |
mednafen | Portable multi-system emulator | |
mednaffe | Graphical interface for the Mednafen multi-system emulator | |
melonds | Nintendo DS emulator, sorta | |
mgba | Emulator for running Game Boy Advance games (CLI version) | |
mgba-qt | Emulator for running Game Boy Advance games (GUI version) | |
minivmac | Miniature Macintosh emulator | |
mmix | Simulators for Knuth's MMIX RISC architecture | |
nestopia | Portable, very accurate NES emulator | |
netbsd32_compat15 | Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.5 compatibility | |
netbsd32_compat15-extras | Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.5 compatibility | |
netbsd32_compat16 | Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.6 compatibility | |
netbsd32_compat16-extras | Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.6 compatibility | |
netbsd32_compat20 | Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 2.0 compatibility | |
netbsd32_compat20-extras | Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 2.0 compatibility | |
netbsd32_compat30 | Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 3.0 compatibility | |
netbsd32_compat30-extras | Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 3.0 compatibility | |
netbsd32_compat40 | Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 4.0 compatibility | |
netbsd32_compat40-extras | Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 4.0 compatibility | |
nono | OMRON LUNA-I/LUNA-88K (and SHARP X68030) emulator | |
open-simh | Bob Supniks historical computer simulator | |
openmsx | MSX emulator that aims for perfection | |
or1ksim | OpenRISC emulator | |
osf1_lib | DEC/Compaq OSF-1/Tru64 compatibility package for netscape | |
p11 | PDP11 emulator | |
PC6001VX | Cross platform PC-6001 emulator | |
pce | PC Emulator | |
pcemu | 8086 PC emulator, by David Hedley | |
pcsx-rearmed | Sony PlayStation emulator with optimizations for ARM | |
pearpc | PowerPC emulator | |
picodrive | Fast Sega Mega Drive/MegaCD/32X emulator | |
py-keystone | Python bindings for keystone | |
py-unicorn | Python bindings for unicorn | |
qemu | Machine emulator and virtualizer | |
qemu7 | Machine emulator and virtualizer | |
quasi88 | NEC PC-8801 Emulator | |
raine | 680x0 Arcade Emulator | |
realboy | Complete, fast, yet accurate Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator | |
retroarch | Official reference frontend for the libretro API | |
ROMBuild | Arcade ROM manipulation tool | |
ROMInfo | Identify arcade ROM sets | |
rpcemu | Emulator of classic Acorn computer systems | |
sameboy | Highly accurate Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator | |
shoebill | Macintosh II emulator that runs A/UX | |
simh | Bob Supniks historical computer simulator | |
simh3 | Bob Supnik's simulator for historic computer systems | |
simulavr | Simulator for Atmel AVR microcontrollers | |
ski | The ia64 instruction set simulator | |
snes9express (V) | Frontend for snes9x written in GTK2 | |
snes9x | Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator (CLI version) | |
snes9x-gtk | Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator (GUI version) | |
softvms | Emulator capable of running some Sega VMS games |