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libretro-beetle-pce-fast Libretro core based on the Mednafen PC Engine emulator
libretro-beetle-psx Libretro core based on the Mednafen PlayStation emulator
libretro-beetle-psx-hw Libretro core based on the Mednafen PlayStation emulator (OpenGL)
libretro-beetle-saturn Libretro core based on the Mednafen Sega Saturn emulator
libretro-beetle-sgx Libretro core based on the Mednafen SuperGrafx emulator
libretro-beetle-vb Libretro core based on the Mednafen VirtualBoy emulator
libretro-beetle-wswan Libretro core based on the Mednafen Wonderswan emulator
libretro-bluemsx Libretro core for MSX/MSX2/ColecoVision/SVI/SG-1000 emulation
libretro-bsnes-mercury Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation (balanced profile)
libretro-bsnes-mercury-accuracy Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation (accuracy profile)
libretro-bsnes-mercury-performance Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation (performance profile)
libretro-cap32 Libretro core based on the Caprice32 Amstrad CPC emulator
libretro-core-info Libretro core information
libretro-desmume Libretro core based on the DeSmuME Nintendo DS emulator
libretro-fbneo Libretro core based on the FinalBurn Neo arcade game emulator
libretro-fceumm Libretro core based on the FCEUmm Famicom/NES emulator
libretro-flycast Libretro core based on the Flycast Sega Dreamcast emulator
libretro-freeintv Libretro core for Mattel Intellivision emulation
libretro-fuse Libretro core based on the FUSE ZX Spectrum emulator
libretro-gambatte Libretro core based on the Gambatte Game Boy Color emulator
libretro-gearboy Libretro core based on the Gearboy Game Boy emlator
libretro-gearsystem Libretro core based on the Gearsystem Master System emlator
libretro-genesis-plus-gx Libretro core based on the Genesis Plus Sega 8/16 bit emulator
libretro-mame2010 Libretro core based on the MAME 0.139 arcade game emulator
libretro-mgba Libretro core based on the mGBA emulator
libretro-nestopia Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
libretro-np2kai Libretro core based on the Neko Project II PC-9801 emulator
libretro-o2em Libretro core for Magnavox Odyssey 2 and VideoPac emulation
libretro-parallel-n64 Libretro core based on the Parallel N64 emulator
libretro-pcsx-rearmed Libretro core based on the PCSX ReARMed emulator
libretro-picodrive Libretro core based on the Picodrive MegaDrive/MegaCD/32X emulator
libretro-ppsspp Libretro core based on the PPSSPP PlayStation Portable emulator
libretro-prosystem Libretro core based on the ProSystem Atari 7800 emulator
libretro-sameboy Libretro core based on the SameBoy Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator
libretro-smsplus Libretro core based on the SMS Plus Master System / Game Gear emulator
libretro-snes9x Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator
libretro-snes9x2005 Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator
libretro-snes9x2010 Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator
libretro-stella Libretro core based on the Stella Atari 2600 (VCS) emulator
libretro-vba-next Libretro core based on the VBA Next Game Boy Advance emulator
libretro-vecx Libretro core for Vectrex emulation
libretro-virtualjaguar Libretro core based on the Virtual Jaguar emulator
libspectrum ZX Spectrum emulator file format library
lrmi Wrapper to the i386 vm86 mode
m1 Arcade video and pinball game sound emulator (Linux binary)
makeppf PPF (Playstation Patch File) v3.0 creation tool
mame Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
MAMEDiff Compare MAME rom sets of different releases
marduk Portable emulator of the NABU Personal Computer
mednafen Portable multi-system emulator
mednaffe Graphical interface for the Mednafen multi-system emulator
melonds Nintendo DS emulator, sorta
mgba Emulator for running Game Boy Advance games (CLI version)
mgba-qt Emulator for running Game Boy Advance games (GUI version)
minivmac Miniature Macintosh emulator
mmix Simulators for Knuth's MMIX RISC architecture
nestopia Portable, very accurate NES emulator
netbsd32_compat15 Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.5 compatibility
netbsd32_compat15-extras Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.5 compatibility
netbsd32_compat16 Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.6 compatibility
netbsd32_compat16-extras Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.6 compatibility
netbsd32_compat20 Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 2.0 compatibility
netbsd32_compat20-extras Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 2.0 compatibility
netbsd32_compat30 Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 3.0 compatibility
netbsd32_compat30-extras Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 3.0 compatibility
netbsd32_compat40 Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 4.0 compatibility
netbsd32_compat40-extras Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 4.0 compatibility
nono OMRON LUNA-I/LUNA-88K (and SHARP X68030) emulator
open-simh Bob Supniks historical computer simulator
openmsx MSX emulator that aims for perfection
or1ksim OpenRISC emulator
osf1_lib DEC/Compaq OSF-1/Tru64 compatibility package for netscape
p11 PDP11 emulator
PC6001VX Cross platform PC-6001 emulator
pce PC Emulator
pcemu 8086 PC emulator, by David Hedley
pcsx-rearmed Sony PlayStation emulator with optimizations for ARM
pearpc PowerPC emulator
picodrive Fast Sega Mega Drive/MegaCD/32X emulator
py-keystone Python bindings for keystone
py-unicorn Python bindings for unicorn
qemu Machine emulator and virtualizer
qemu7 Machine emulator and virtualizer
quasi88 NEC PC-8801 Emulator
raine 680x0 Arcade Emulator
realboy Complete, fast, yet accurate Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator
retroarch Official reference frontend for the libretro API
ROMBuild Arcade ROM manipulation tool
ROMInfo Identify arcade ROM sets
rpcemu Emulator of classic Acorn computer systems
sameboy Highly accurate Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator
shoebill Macintosh II emulator that runs A/UX
simh Bob Supniks historical computer simulator
simh3 Bob Supnik's simulator for historic computer systems
simulavr Simulator for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
ski The ia64 instruction set simulator
snes9express (V) Frontend for snes9x written in GTK2
snes9x Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator (CLI version)
snes9x-gtk Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator (GUI version)
softvms Emulator capable of running some Sega VMS games